Present by Nature
In collaboration with Waterschool M4H+ by Studio Makkink & Bey and IABR
Developed with Matilde Patuelli and Raphael Flipo
Pictures by Cosimo Beduini
Plot 003
Plot 003
Plot 003
Plot 003
Exploring the cosmology of a leftover land
Third Landscape as a biological necessity, conditioning the future of living things, modifies the interpretation of territory and enhances areas usually looked upon as negligible. It is up to the political body to organize ground division in such a manner as to assume responsibility for these undetermined areas, tantamount to concern for the future. –Gilles Clément
Starting from the notion of the third landscape by Gilles Clément, we dive into the exploration of Plot 003, one island of the archipelago of leftover land of Rotterdam, and we meet its inhabitants. Throughout the three-day experience, insects and plants have been the leading voice of the participatory act on the intervention area.
Plot 003 has been experienced as an open construction site where we operated with an archaeological approach. We have been carried by the textures and plant density, the number of insects and their way to move, the structure of the soil and the movement of light and shade. Observation and proximity to the space allowed us to map how it looks today and stimulate curiosity, outlined through small acts to narrate our experience.
Exploring the cosmology of a leftover land
Plot 003 has been experienced as an open construction site where we operated with an archaeological approach. We have been carried by the textures and plant density, the number of insects and their way to move, the structure of the soil and the movement of light and shade. Observation and proximity to the space allowed us to map how it looks today and stimulate curiosity, outlined through small acts to narrate our experience.
Exploring the cosmology of a leftover land
Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
Workshop Plot 003
As explorers,
we are driven by the curiosity and
dynamics of observation,
our first experience of the landscape
leads us to ddiscover the multiplicity of its
sorroundings, and the diversity of the beings present.
We begin to obserrve the landscape,
and discover that
it has a garden configuration.